Journeys into Genealogy
Journeys into Genealogy Podcast
Searching The Gentleman's Magazine with Julian Pooley

Searching The Gentleman's Magazine with Julian Pooley

A short extra podcast interview on how to search The Gentleman's Magazine

Julian Pooley is an expert in The Gentleman’s Magazine. In the original interview we discussed the history and contents of the magazine.

In this extra interview we talk about how to search the magazine, how the article authors used pseudonyms and where to find online and physical copies.

The transcript is here:

Julian Pooley Substack Transcripion
78.1KB ∙ PDF file

Main Interview

The main interview (and longer interview) can be found at all good podcast hosts (search for Journeys into Genealogy).

The transcript of the first interview is available here:

Julian Pooley The Gentleman's Magazine Transcript 1
161KB ∙ PDF file

Journeys into Genealogy
Journeys into Genealogy Podcast
Journeys into Genealogy is a podcast with interviews with experts and people with interesting stories to tell.
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Emma - Journeys into Genealogy